Oracle SOA, AIA BPEL ESB and OSB knowledge base

Monday, March 2, 2009

Calling OSB services from BPEL

Calling OSB services from BPEL

In my previous blog I already talked about calling BPEL services
from OSB. In this blog entry I will show you how to call an synchronous OSB proxy service from BPEL. If you have problems to get this working, please see my previous blog entry how to solve this. I got this working with OSB 10.3 and Soa Suite MLR5.
First we need to have an OSB proxy service with an WSDL.
As transport protocol we will use the SB protocol
Export the WSDL of the OSB Proxy service and put the wsdl and xsd's in your BPEL project.

When we take a look at the WSDL we can see that the OSB proxy service address is sb://xxx:70001/w..

In the BPEL project we can add a partnerlink, where we will use the OSB proxy wsdl.

Next step is to add an invoke process activity where we can select the OSB Partnerlink and we have to create an input and output variable here.

You only have to add some assign process activities to fill or retrieve the input and output variable.


Swagat said...

Hey Abhishek,

I was trying to invoke my OSB Proxy Service (based on Sb protocol)from BPEL, but was not able to . Even though I made it on a SB protocol. I was wondering, do we need to create partner links information in the WSDL of the proxy service?

Abhishek Gupta said...

Hi Swagat,

I am sorry for late reply, actually somehow my comments email are going to spam :(

BTW as mentioned in my previous blog you need to have correct version of OSB and SOA to invoke from BPEL.I hope you would have modified wsdl file from OSB service before uing in BPEL. at partner link level you no need to change anything.

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